
When I began creating content back in 2011 for a restaurant equipment reseller, it was more of a technical report than a blog post aimed at everyday readers.

… Which only brought crickets

And I didn’t understand why until someone commented on one of my pieces and I still till today remember word for word the sweet words of: “Dude I have no clue what you are talking about, too much technical jargon.

That’s when I realized my work was flawed … The lightbulb went off.

Failure wasn’t an option, I had no plan B, digital marketing is my passion, so I put effort into what I wanted my outcome to become.

Writing a blog post is meant for the masses which should be easy to understand yet full of the takeaways that keep readers coming back and sharing your post.

Ever since that comment, I have never posted a blog post online without the 3PCC technique.  And my post always gets shared on social media, quoted on other blogs and tattooed!

Just kidding about the tattoo.

The 3 Phase Content Creation system provides the framework to make sure you have a piece that is going to resonate with all levels of the targeted audience.

Right now, let’s go through each phase.

Phase 1: Foundation

This is when you write for your peers, the experts who understand the technical jargon because that builds the proper foundation for the blog post.

Don’t worry about it being too difficult at this point. The only thing that matters here is that you are highlighting your expertise and showing off your knowledge because at the end of the day, don’t we all like to show off what we are good at?

Phase 2: Elimination of the Curse of Knowledge

Have someone who is not part of your field read your piece and request comments, questions and all the feedback they can. I won’t lie some of the responses will sting, and you might even feel like you should have had someone else read it because the person must be dumb…

Don’t be the fool I was; the curse of knowledge is real.

If you don’t know what the curse of knowledge is, its when you think everyone understands what you say, do or work in at the same level as you.

Oh, I’ve been there….

and once you can get over this hurdle the readability of your blog post will tremendously improve, however, it’s not enough.

You must make your articles and blog pieces sticky.

Now you will edit your post based on the answers to their questions and critique they provided. Then that person should read the article again and be able to explain to you what the post is about; otherwise you need to go back to the drawing board and keep simplifying the technical jargon down.

Phase 3: Stickiness

With your new-found data broken into understandable text for the masses its time for the sticky transformation which focuses on stories built on getting the reader to visualize, relate with and feel included in.

This will have several components and will be the difference between a blog post that gets read and a blog post that gets read, shared and discussed.

Let’s begin with how to get blog readers to visualize your concepts and stories.

Create a story that discusses what the post can do for them because the reader is that, a singular person – You tell me what resonates best with you;

  1. The 3PCC framework attracts readers like bears to honey


  1. The 3PCC framework incorporates rewriting your article so that the remaining 95% of readers can understand it.

Number 1 resonates best with most, and when your reader thinks of honey soon, the 3PCC stickiness connects all the time with honey.

As the narrative of your story is flowing, you need to be able to keep their attention. The average human’s attention span is 7 seconds.

This is when you throw in some craziness to bring the focus back to the page and keep them addicted.  A few examples:

  • 3PCC framework puts 10 content writing books out of business in one blog post
  • *WARNING* Before using the 3PCC framework make sure your website can handle the massive traffic spike because it can crash your system.
  • North Korea bands 3PCC due to making normal people understand complex systems.

I’m sure you get the point now after these outrageous remarks you need to provide some credible reason it may do XYZ or causes those results.

Now let’s bring the story into a firm power stance.

Get your readers to say NO.

… No, gives the illusion of control and power.

Let’s see some examples in actions:

  • Is it crazy that you could have 35% more time to enjoy life by utilizing the 3PCC?
  • Would you like to increase the time you spend on content writing?
  • By using the 3PCC by you’ll have a lot more free time at work, will you tell your bosses that?

The idea of NO questions is that the correct answer is always no, they are the only answer people will give because it benefits them, puts them in the driver seat and makes them feel…

You guessed it in control.

The last component is getting the reader to agree with you by reaffirming things you sprinkled throughout your post.

Here are two examples I could use for this post:

  • Imagine if you told a website that offers good content but has a boring blog post that if they used the 3 Phase Content Creation process, it would make a better post. And so many more people could benefit… (this is where you hear that is so true about XYZ let me email them this post)
  • The internet is filled with copied, boring and bad content I bet by sharing this post it could make the internet great again.

So easy a 1st grader can write sticky content.

As you can see writing interesting content that is sharable is easy, doesn’t take a genius or a journalist.  What you get out of it is more free time, more website traffic and brand awareness.

I will guess this post will receive a minimum of 10 social shares in the first day of publication, in the comments below let us know if you shared this post and where

so that we may return the love and reshare your share.

A few last tips on your content writing:

  • Call to actions should always be visible and above the fold
  • Spelling and grammar should be triple checked
  • Always be unique
  • Never use more than 7 facts per post as our conscious minds won’t consume any more than that at a given moment.
  • Never post anything online if you haven’t used the 3 Phases of Content Creation

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